
Respecting your children (2)

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Children are individuals who must be treated with consideration and respect. Parents have to learn not to shout at young children and not to embarrass them in front of their friends or other people in general. Even when a wrong has been committed, parents should find a proper and constructive way of handling the issue.

Parents have to learn to humble themselves before their children. Offer an apology when you wrong your children. This is just one way of showing that you recognise your child as a mature and intelligent human being who deserves respect.

Raising children in a godly manner is a taxing full time responsibility. It might mean finding a better school with a good reputation. It would also involve changing our way of living in the home by trying to create a better environment for the children. We have to be models whom our children can emulate.  Our behaviour speaks more to the children than the orders we try to impose on them.

Parents, let us try to live a standard of life that speaks more of love to our children in order to raise a better future generation.

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